What Are Chemical Peels?

How our skin looks is one of the most important factors of our physical appearance, which is why many people try different procedures to get better-looking skin. Chemical peels are one of the go-to options for anyone looking to get rid of skin imperfections. The procedure involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to remove the damaged top layers. That uncovers deeper, healthy layers, giving your skin a smoother look. So, what kind of chemical peels are available, and are they safe? Read on to learn more about it, and discover where to get chemical peels in Woodlands, Texas.

What Are the Benefits of Chemical Peels?

A chemical peel can help improve many skin conditions, including:
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Crow’s feet
  • Aging skin
  • Skin discolorations
  • Melasma
  • Rough skin patches
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Sagging skin

What Type of Chemical Peels Exist?

There are countless types of chemical peels on the market used to achieve different goals. However, depending on the issues you are addressing and the depth of the peel, we can divide them into three groups:
  • Light chemical peels – Only remove the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). This procedure is best for treating wrinkles, acne, dry skin, or uneven skin tone. The skin usually needs up to seven days to heal.
  • Medium chemical peels– Removes epidermis and upper layers of the dermis. This procedure can remove deeper wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tones. However, you will need to repeat the treatment after your skin heals for long-lasting results.
  • Deep chemical peels– Removes even the deeper layers of the dermis to eliminate even deeper wrinkles, scars, or precancerous tissues. This type of procedure is typically done only once.
Medium and deep chemical peels require follow-up appointments to monitor the progress.

What Are the Side Effects of Chemical Peels?

The most common side effects of chemical peels include slight swelling, redness, dryness, burning, or stinging sensations. These are only temporary and resolve without additional interventions. However, some chemical peels can have severe and permanent side effects such as:
  • Scarring
  • Darkening or lightening of the skin color
  • Heart, liver, or kidney damage due to deep peel chemicals
  • Infections and flare-up
You should avoid sun exposure and smoking after a chemical peel, as they increase the chances of unwanted side effects. That’s why your doctor will recommend applying daily sunscreen after a light peel or avoiding sun exposure after a mild or deep peel.

How to Prepare for a Chemical Peel?

Your dermatologist will give you detailed instructions on how to prepare for your appointment. That may include:
  • Avoiding tanning and direct sunlight exposure two weeks before the treatment
  • Taking antiviral medication or antibiotics
  • Avoiding products containing retinoids
  • Applying certain creams to prepare your skin for the procedure
  • Avoiding hair waxing or bleaching
  • Not using facial scrubs

Where to Get Chemical Peels in Woodlands, Texas?

If you want to improve how your skin looks and get a chemical peel in Woodlands, Texas, Progressive Rejuvenation is a perfect place for that. We offer three types of chemical peels with different mechanisms to rejuvenate, vitalize, and illuminate your skin. Our Medical Aesthetician, Cara Lopez, will help discuss your needs and goals, and recommend the appropriate treatment. Click here to schedule an appointment or give us a call at 346-220-8076.

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