Skin Tightening Body Procedures With Exilis
As time goes by, more and more people notice how fat is deposited in certain areas of the body, affecting its contour and, at the same time, its aesthetics. Many of these individuals opt for the operating room, exposing themselves to a series of totally preventable risks. Others choose to undergo Exilis, the latest in effective technology for body contouring.
This is a non-invasive treatment used to stimulate skin tightening, prevent and attenuate flaccidity, and shape body contour. It includes an energy release with permanent monitoring and a cooling system that allows working at different tissue levels reducing localized adiposity and cellulite, while accentuating and defining the body contour.
Radiofrequency with the Exilis equipment is a body treatment that allows the simultaneous application of ultrasound and electromagnetic radiofrequency sound waves. Both energies are synergized enhancing the effectiveness of the results and maintaining the best safety standards.
Its selective and innovative cooling system in layers allows delivering the energy to different depths of the tissue, reducing discomfort and making it a virtually painless procedure.
With approximately 4 to 6 sessions, the benefits on the skin and its irregularities start to be evident, gradually improving with each additional session. Additionally, Exilis allows an outpatient treatment where the patient can return to his activities immediately after his session.
For this and much more, the Exilis equipment is ideal for those who want to:
- Body contour modeling.
- Reduction of localized adiposity.
- Cellulite reduction and control.
- Skin tightening.
- Sagging prevention.
By scheduling an appointment with experts, such as Dr. Edward A. Nash and Dr. Breanna Randolph, over at Progressive Rejuvenation, we can make your skin look more beautiful than ever in just a few sessions.
For more information about Exilis and so much more, contact us at 346-220-8076. Our team of experts based in the luxuriously community of The Woodlands, TX, will be available during working hours to answer all your inquiries and support you in your path to wellness.
Or, if you prefer, schedule your appointment at and you will receive the proper attention your case requires.
Book your body service now and be on your way to your dream body.