Are Chemical Peels Painful?

Are Chemical Peels Painful?

We all want glowing skin free of any imperfections. However, only a handful of people hit the genetic lottery that allows them to have skin like this without having to care too much for it. The rest of us need to take good care of our skin, hydrate regularly, and try different treatments that improve skin appearance. Chemical peels are a popular way to get rid of skin imperfections. They remove the damaged top layers, giving our skin a smoother, more youthful look. However, many people wonder whether chemical peels are painful. Since you are applying a chemical agent to your skin that removes top layers, this is a legitimate concern. Read on to discover if chemical peels are painful and where you can get chemical peels in the Woodlands, TX area.

How Do Chemical Peels Work?

Many people are scared of chemical peels because the word “chemical” has negative connotations. These cosmetic procedures use lactic acid, glycolic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids, and other chemicals to exfoliate the skin’s top layer. Chemical peels are performed by licensed aestheticians and dermatologists. They undergo extensive training, which makes this procedure reasonably safe. However, minor side effects are possible, including pain.

What Are the Side Effects of Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are safe when performed by a licensed professional in a medical setting. The possible side effects are rare and mostly occur with deeper peels, while light and medium peels usually don’t cause them. The most common side effects include:
  • Redness
  • Dry skin
  • Minor swelling
  • Burning or stinging sensations
  • Skin discoloration
  • Flare-ups
  • Infection
  • Scaring
You won’t typically feel any pain during a chemical peel. Some patients experience minor discomfort, primarily due to tingling and mild burning when applying a chemical agent. However, the feeling subsides shortly after the procedure. So, if you have low pain tolerance, there is nothing to worry about. Raise your concerns with your dermatologist or aesthetician, and they’ll make sure that your chemical peel is as gentle as possible.

What Are the Benefits of Chemical Peels?

The benefits of chemical peels considerably outweigh the risks. When the procedure removes dead cells from the top layer, your skin will glow and look smoother. Besides this, chemical peels can help improve the appearance of your skin and minimize the damage of certain conditions. They can help with:
  • Acne
  • Skin discolorations
  • Wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Scars
  • Rough skin patches
  • Crow’s feet
  • Melasma
  • Sagging skin
Depending on your goals and skin condition, your dermatologist may suggest the type of peel for the best effects. They can use different chemicals, which affects how deep they penetrate your skin. For instance, light and medium peels only affect the upper layers and can help with minor skin imperfections. On the other hand, deep peels can help with deep wrinkles and scars, but the risk of side effects is higher, and there is a longer recovery period.

Chemical Peels in Woodlands, TX

If you are looking for a skin specialist who administers chemical peels in Woodlands, TX, Progressive Rejuvenation is an excellent choice. Our medical aesthetician Cara Lopez can help you choose the right chemical peel for you and help reduce skin imperfections. Click here to schedule an appointment and finally get the glowing, healthy skin you deserve.

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