What Do Chemical Peels Do to the Skin?

What Do Chemical Peels Do to the Skin?

Chemical peels are a popular cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance of your skin by reducing imperfections. Discover what chemical peels do to the skin, how long the effects can last, and where to get chemical peels in Woodlands, TX.

What Are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are procedures where a professional applies a chemical solution to your face. This removes damaged top layers of your skin, giving it a smoother look that knocks the years off your face.

Licensed aestheticians and dermatologists perform chemical peels in an outpatient setting. They must undergo special training and education, which guarantees the safety of these procedures. However, some side effects can still occur, including redness and discomfort.

Chemical peels are safe cosmetic procedures that use chemical agents to unlock the skin’s youthful potential.

How Do Chemical Peels Work?

Although the word “chemical” often has a negative connotation, there is nothing to be afraid of. Chemical peels are safe and rarely have any serious side effects.

The procedure typically uses glycolic acid, lactic acid, alpha-hydroxy acid, or another chemical to remove the damaged top layers of your skin. That uncovers deeper, healthier layers, which gives your skin a smoother, glowing look. 

As a result, chemical peels can help with acne, fine lines, wrinkles, scars, skin discolorations, and other imperfections. 

Chemical peels remove the skin’s top layers to reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and other imperfections.

What Are the Different Types of Chemical Peels?

Depending on the skin issues you want to address, your aesthetician will recommend one of three types of chemical peel. They choose a chemical agent to achieve desired results and apply it to your skin. Chemical peels can be light, medium, or deep depending on how deep they penetrate the skin.

Light Chemical Peels

Light chemical peels are quick procedures that remove the top layer of your skin. They work great for reducing dry skin, acne, wrinkles, uneven skin color, sun damage, and other minor imperfections.

An amazing thing about light chemical peels is that they require no downtime, and the recovery only takes a few hours to a few days. The procedure is often performed in series to achieve desired results.

Medium Chemical Peels

Medium chemical peels remove the outermost layer of your skin and the upper part of your middle skin layer. People use it to remove moderate wrinkles, age spots, scars, and uneven skin tone. 

This procedure can be done once, but you can repeat it after your skin has healed if you are not satisfied with the results. The recovery typically takes one to several weeks.

Deep Chemical Peels

Deep chemical peels remove even deeper layers to reduce the appearance of extensive sun damage, deep acne scars, moderate wrinkles, lines, and blotchy skin. This procedure requires several weeks of pretreatment and other preparations. 

Deep chemical peels are performed only once and require significant downtime and weeks of recovery.

Chemical Peels in Woodlands, TX

If you want to improve how you look, chemical peels in Woodlands, TX, are a great idea. You can get them at Progressive Rejuvenation, where our renowned medical aesthetician, Cara Lopez, can help you achieve clear and healthy skin. 

Schedule an appointment at Progressive Rejuvenation, and let us help you look and feel better.

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